“Mapping and Connecting the Nodes in a Social Blueprint” is the topic slated for the first monthly meeting of this season’s Social Media Breakfast Door County (SMBDC), a community learning concept spearheaded in the “off-season” by DesignWise Studios marketing consultant, Stephen Kastner.

“We’ll meet in the upstairs conference room at Glas, the Green Coffeehouse in Sturgeon Bay from 9 – 10:30 am on Wednesday, October 16,” says Kastner “…and we shall begin the process of selecting, creating and then connecting the “dots” from Websites through all of the various channels we can use to communicate with a public fan base online. I call it a Social Blueprint.”
Glas features a variety of bakery and breakfast menu items as well as coffee beverages and tea that may be purchased downstairs and brought up to the 2nd floor conference room. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops and wireless devices in order to join in the dialogue as DesignWise will project a live Twitterstream comment display as the meeting takes place. Slides and Website examples will also be projected on a large backdrop screen.
Door County’s monthly Social Media Breakfasts take place at different locations around the Peninsula on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9 – 10:30 am. The events are free and reservations are not necessary.
Glas, the Green Coffeehouse
67 East Maple St.
Suite B (2nd floor conference room)
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin