Your Life is an Open Book… Scanning the Social Grid

What if you could scan through the status updates of 500 million people to search for any key words you were interested in tracking? How about if you could split it by gender? What would you search for? says, “Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. Whether you want to or not.”

Created by Will Moffat, Peter Burns and James Home, Your Open Book was developed to demonstrate what they feel is wrong with Facebook’s privacy settings… that they are hard to find and even harder to adjust. The developers of Your Open Book  are proposing the addition of a simple privacy slider to each user’s Facebook profile page and they have created this free search tool to call attention to their proposal.

Meanwhile, I think their application can also be used in lots of different ways to connect and communicate. But, it’s a lot like joining the dark side, when you start invading the privacy of strangers. Nonetheless, you might use it to search for mentions of a brand name, a restaurant or a geographic location. The possibilities are endless.

The Recent Searches on Your Open Book are updated continuously and display something like the following typical example:

(3900 per hour)muslim terrorist skydive nipple ocs alberta NSFW obama liar ottawa “i had an abortion” i hate my boss ecstasy nigger feet drunk doctorate program asian partyhot pics cute redhead crackers

Want to see what people share on Facebook with the entire world — perhaps without realizing it? There’s a new site that makes this easy, Openbook.

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