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PRESS RELEASE – For immediate release
November 14, 2011
Contact: Lori Manns
Phone: 920.615.4646
Psychic Lori
133A S. Erie St.
DePere, WI, 54115
Gallery Readings with Psychic Lori in Milwaukee at the Brumder Mansion on Sunday, December 4
Psychic Medium, Lori Manns returns to Milwaukee’s “romantic” Brumder Mansion Theater on Sunday, December 4 for Gallery Readings from 7 – 9 pm.

The first psychic experience that Lori Manns can recall took place at the age of five. She was in a classroom when she saw her Kindergarten teacher’s father standing next to her on the first day of school. She told her new teacher that a man was standing next to her and that he was trying to tell her that everything is OK. Lori did not realize who the man was at the time, and before her teacher could respond, they were interrupted by the School Principal.
Lori’s new teacher hurriedly left the room after speaking briefly with the Principal and did not return to the classroom for approximately 2 weeks. The next day, a substitute teacher explained that their regular teacher would be away for a time as her father had unexpectedly passed away the day before.
The next 30 years of Lori’s life was full of similar such experiences, comprised of her mediumship and psychic nuances. In her early 40s, she decided to begin refining her natural gifts of psychic awareness and spirit communications by enrolling at The Arthur Findlay College in London, number one metaphysical college in the world. There she was regarded as exceptionally intuitive.
Following that, she abandoned her “day” job and became a full-time professional psychic medium. Now, she travels all over the USA and Canada doing private readings, house parties, business conference appearances and guest spots on various broadcast media channels. Most recently she was in Milwaukee at the annual Brumder Mansion Halloween Hunt.
“We had such a wonderful and paranormal Halloween at the world-famous Brumder Mansion, that I have been asked to return for a series of Gallery Readings” says Psychic Lori. “While they call it romantic in the official guide, it’s almost effortless to dig deeper into the ‘historical’ aspect of the Brumder B&B to find out that it is considered to be one of the top paranormal hot spots in all of Wisconsin.”
According to Haunted Places to Go, “It has been established that there are at least three ghostly spirits in the mansion that are believed to be intelligent hauntings. This basically means that they are able to interact with the living. It is said that the spirits are welcoming, though if experienced firsthand, they may be a bit frightening, simply because they may catch you off guard.”
With that in mind, you are invited to stay the night in order to experience Brumder to the fullest by reserving one of their 6 beautiful suites. All of the rooms have fireplaces and are surprisingly reasonable, ranging from $89 – $169 per night – with 4 of the 6 suites having hot tubs. But, enjoying the accommodations is not a requirement in order to join Psychic Medium Lori Manns for Gallery Readings in Milwaukee at the Brumder Mansion. All are welcome, but seating is limited to approximately 50 persons. Tickets are $40 for the 2-hour session. Reservations are recommended and are easily secured by calling the Brumder front desk at 414.342.9767.
Psychic Lori will also be providing half-hour and one-hour private readings (at $65 and $120 per person) by appointment before and after the Sunday Gallery Readings and again on Monday. Please, email or phone: 920.615.4646 to secure your spot.
Brumder Mansion Bed & Breakfast is located at 3046 W. Wisconsin Avenue, a main street that runs from downtown Milwaukee, past Marquette University and runs parallel to I-94. Brumder Mansion is on the corner of North 31st and West Wisconsin, in the historic Concordia District. Call 414.342.9767 with questions, to RSVP for the Gallery Readings or for room reservations.
Contact Psychic Lori by email at or phone: 920.615.4646.
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